
One Shot One Kill

Mark’s Story

This is a true story about a terribly abused boy who, wanting to end his own and his family’s pain, killed his father when he was 16 years old in 1983. It was a huge story nationally, written up in every local and national newspaper, including publications like Time Magazine, on every television talk show, and reported by Dan Rather and other noted journalists of the day.

His story is presented here. With candid honesty, Mark shares about life with his father, the killing, his addiction to drugs after the murder, multiple incarcerations for drug trafficking, and his intentions, now that he’s clean, to help others who have suffered similar traumas.

Renaissance Man

Ted’s Story

Meet Ted, who as an incredibly gifted child began a community newspaper and wrote fiction at the age of 8, composed music and poetry as an adolescent, became a champion chess player by the age of 19, joined a spiritual community (cult) for 10 years, is the author of a top horserace betting software lauded worldwide, is an adept at Remote Viewing and much more.

Discover what makes Ted tick and the fascinating knowledge he shares with viewers.

Mommie Narcissist

Svetlana’s’s Story

Diving into the darkness of growing up with narcissistic abuse—physical beatings, mental/emotional abuse and feeling responsible for her mother’s “out of the blue” violent tirades and attacks, Svetlana carried unexplainable feelings of guilt and doubt, and belief that she was ugly.

Drawing gave her joy and an escape from the nightmare of her life. Svetlana became an award-winning artist and fashionista and emerged from the darkness with a burning desire to share with the world her experience with a narcissist and how she's moving through it.


Vera’s Story

Author Vera Stasny takes us on a journey of the highlights of her life. From a cancer diagnosis upon graduation from college to a myriad of serious health issues over her lifetime, Vera shares how she’s taken her health into her own hands using conventional medicine for diagnoses and alternative therapies to not only to heal the issues but to bring herself back into full health.

We learn how she cared for her mother with dementia for 15 years and the unexpected gift she received as a result. Enjoy the wisdom in this must-see interview from a life-affirming and powerful force of nature – Vera Stasny. Vera's book is Being Heard - Healing Voices of Trauma: A Collection of Writings.

Out of Control

Vic’s Story

Vic's story reads like a Hollywood movie filled with extremes and explores the freedoms that come from escaping crushing control growing up.

Join Laine and Vic for their first lively, revealing and often humorous conversation exploring the highlights and 'lowlights' of Vic's remarkable life.

California Cool

John’s Story

Coming Soon …